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acceptsURL(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Returns true if this driver can respond to the url
add(MonKey, double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
add(String, String, double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
add(MonKey, double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
add(String, String, double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
add(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
add(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
add(String, String, double) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Aggregate the passed in value with the monitor associated with the label, and the units.
add(MonKey, double) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Used when you want to create your own key for the monitor.
add(String, String, double) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return a monitor with the given label and units.
add(MonKey, double) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Used when you want to create your own key for the monitor.
add(double) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Add a value to the FrequencyDist associated with the value that is passed
add(String, double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.RangeHolder
add(Object) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Add the passed object to the array if BufferList is not full or shouldReplaceWith returns true
add(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
add(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
addCompareCol(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
Compare the passed in col in natural order
addCompareCol(int, boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
Compare the passed in col in natural or reverse order
addCompareCol(int, Comparator) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
Compare the passed in col based on the passed in Comparator
addException(Monitor, Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
addException(Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
addException(Monitor, Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Note this creates 2 exception monitors and the more specific one is returned
addException(Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
addException(Monitor, Throwable) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Add 2 exception monitors.
addException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Track an exception except there is no other associated monitor to put the details in.
addException(Monitor, Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Add 2 exception monitors.
addException(Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Track an exception except there is no other associated monitor to put the details in.
addLastHeader(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.RangeHolder
addListener(JAMonListener) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Add a listener to the composite and return this object
addListener(JAMonListener) - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Add a listener to this listener type.
addListener(String, JAMonListener) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Introduced as a way to add listeners that allows for lazy initialization saving a fair amount of memory.
addListeners(List<JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty>) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
addListeners(List<JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty>) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
addListeners(List<JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty>) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Add listeners.
addListeners(List<JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty>) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Add listeners.
addMatchString(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Add string to see if it matches in the query
addMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
addRow(ToArray) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
Add a row to the buffer
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
Add a row to the buffer
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Add a row to be held in the buffer.
addRow(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
addSummaryLabel(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Pass a String that has an HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse method such as response.getStatus() and then this class will monitor that method call.
addSummaryLabel(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
addSummaryLabel(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
addSummaryLabel(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
addSummaryLabel(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
addSummaryLabel(String) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
addTo(Collection, Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Note if the passed object is a Colleciton itself or an Object[] it will be expanded
allocateArray(int, int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
anyPublicMethod() - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions
Pointcut that would monitor any public methods
AppBaseException - Exception in com.jamonapi.utils
AppBaseException() - Constructor for exception com.jamonapi.utils.AppBaseException
AppBaseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jamonapi.utils.AppBaseException
AppBaseException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.jamonapi.utils.AppBaseException
append(LoggingEvent) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
If the appender is enabled then start and stop a JAMon entry.
AppMap - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Case Insensitive HashMap() - If the maps key is a string then the following keys are all considered equal: myKey
AppMap() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
AppMap(int) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
Constructs an empty HashMap with the default initial capacity (16) and the default load factor (0.75).
AppMap(int, float) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
Constructs an empty HashMap with the specified initial capacity and the default load factor (0.75).
AppMap(Map) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
Constructs an empty HashMap with the specified initial capacity and load factor.


BasicNanoTimingMonitor - Class in com.jamonapi
The most basic of timing Monitors using nanosecond timing.
BasicNanoTimingMonitor() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.BasicNanoTimingMonitor
BasicTimingMonitor - Class in com.jamonapi
The most basic of timing Monitors.
BasicTimingMonitor() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.BasicTimingMonitor
basicTimingMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
BufferHolder - Interface in com.jamonapi.utils
Interface used to add/remove values from a BufferList based on whether shouldReplaceWith(...) returns true or not.
BufferList - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
This object can contain a configurable number of items in a buffer.
BufferList(String[]) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Constructor that takes the header of the structure of the rows that are stored.
BufferList(String[], BufferHolder) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Pass in the header and bufferHolder to be used
BufferList(String[], int) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Use a FIFOBuffer and specify its header and size
BufferList(String[], int, BufferHolder) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Specify the header, bufferSize and BufferHolder to be used in the BufferList
BufferListDetailData - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
This class builds the returned array data based on info from header and first row.
BufferListDetailData(BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData


clone() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
This method should return an exact copy of this object though it need not be the same instance.
clone() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabelerInt
close() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Required log4j method.
com.jamonapi - package com.jamonapi
This package contains classes and interfaces used to monitor Java applications.
com.jamonapi.aop - package com.jamonapi.aop
com.jamonapi.aop.general - package com.jamonapi.aop.general
com.jamonapi.aop.spring - package com.jamonapi.aop.spring
com.jamonapi.distributed - package com.jamonapi.distributed
com.jamonapi.http - package com.jamonapi.http
com.jamonapi.jmx - package com.jamonapi.jmx
com.jamonapi.log4j - package com.jamonapi.log4j
com.jamonapi.proxy - package com.jamonapi.proxy
com.jamonapi.utils - package com.jamonapi.utils
This package contains utility classes used by the JAMon implementation that are of general use beyond JAMon.
com.jamontomcat - package com.jamontomcat
combine(Collection<MonitorComposite>) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.MonitorCompositeCombiner
Combine MonitorComposites 1 MonitorComposite.
Command - Interface in com.jamonapi.utils
Simple interface that is used in the implementation of the Gang Of 4 Command pattern in Java.
CommandIterator - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Used with the Command interface to implement the Gang of 4 Command pattern to execute some logic for every entry of various iterators.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
Method used by the comparator interface.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
Returns the following: if newObj object is less than existingObj - returns a negative integer, if the objects are equal - returns zero if newObj object is greater than existingObj - return positive integer
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
Method used by the comparator interface.
compareThis(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.DateMathComparator
2 dates are equal if they are both above or below the Calendar field threshold date1 is greater if it is greater than threshold and date2 isn't date1 is less than the threshold than it is greater than date2.
compareThis(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
CompositeListener - Class in com.jamonapi
A class that can contain other listeners that can listen to jamon events of interest.
CompositeListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Uses the CompositeListener name
CompositeListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Pass in a Listener name that allows you to differentiate this listener from others
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonServletContextListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonServletContextListener
convertKey(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
copy() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.CopyJAMonListener
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
Makes a usable copy of this BufferListener
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
Make a copy of this instance
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
Makes a usable copy of this BufferListener
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
copy() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.NExtremeArrayBufferHolder
Factory method that returns a usable copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.SharedJAMonBufferListener
Returns a usable copy of this object and puts that object into the JAMonListenerFactory so it can be used by other Monitor's
copy() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
return a usable copy of the BufferHolder
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
copy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
CopyJAMonListener - Interface in com.jamonapi
A listener implements this interface if it also can act as a factory.
create(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
createCaseInsensitiveMap() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Create a case insenstive Tree Map.
createConcurrentMap(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Returns a ConcurrentHashMap if the jdk supports (1.5 or higher) it or else it returns a synchronized HashMap
createDelta(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
createExceptionDetails(String, Object[], Exception) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Default exception handling.
createInstance() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap


DateMathComparator - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Comparator that allows you to pass Calendar fields and a negative number for the number of this filed (i.e.
DateMathComparator(int, int) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.DateMathComparator
deepCopy(Serializable) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
Create a deep copy/clone of any serializable object
DEFAULT_ARG_STRING_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Maximum length for a parameter in the exception dump
DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_ENDING - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Parameters kept in the details section are capped at a max length and this string is put at the end of the string after the truncation point to indicate there is more data that is not shown.
DefaultGeneralizer - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
DefaultGeneralizer() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.DefaultGeneralizer
delete(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
deserialize(InputStream) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
deserializeFromFile(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
destroy() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter
DetailData - Interface in com.jamonapi.utils
Interface for array tabular data
DetailDataWrapper - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
DetailDataWrapper(String[], Object[][]) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.DetailDataWrapper
disable() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
disable() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
disable() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Disable MonitorFactory.
disable() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Disable monitoring
disableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
disableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
disableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Call this method if you want to disable key size tracking.
disableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
disp(Object[][]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
Servlet filter method that does the monitoring
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter
Called as part of the standard servlet contract before a page is requested.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Mon
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Mon


enable() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
enable() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
enable() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Enable MonitorFactory.
enable(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enable(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Enables all monitors except ResultSet monitoring.
enable() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Enable monitoring
enableActivityTracking(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
enableActivityTracking(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
enableActivityTracking(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
enableActivityTracking(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
This determines if activity tracking in ranges is enabled.
enableAll(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enableAll(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Enables all monitors.
enableExceptionDetail(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enableExceptionDetail(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
enableExceptionSummary(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enableExceptionSummary(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
enableGlobalActive(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
enableGlobalActive(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
enableGlobalActive(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
enableGlobalActive(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
enableInterface(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enableInterface(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Enables/disables whether methods of the interface are monitored or not
enableResultSet(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enableResultSet(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Enables/disables whether ResultSet methods are monitored.
enableSQLDetail(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enableSQLDetail(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Enables/disables whether sql command details (time, sql, stack trace, ...) are kept in a rolling buffer
enableSQLSummary(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
enableSQLSummary(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Enables/Disables jamon summary stats for SQL
enableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
enableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
enableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Call this method if you want to be able to call MonitorFactory.getTotalKeySize() to determine the size of all labels/keys in JAMon.
enableTotalKeySizeTracking() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
This will keep track of the total size of of the keys used to store the monitors which can be useful in keeping track of memory used by JAMon.
EnumIterator - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Simple Wrapper utility class that makes an Enumeration behave like an Iterator.
EnumIterator(Enumeration) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.EnumIterator
equals(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
This method is called automatically by a HashMap when this class is used as a HashMap key.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
This method is called automatically by a HashMap when this class is used as a HashMap key.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
When this is called on the proxy object it is the same as calling proxyObject1.equals(proxyObject2) is the same as calling originalObject1.equals(originalObject2)
EXCEPTION_UNITS - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Exception units
ExceptionDeltaMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Implementation that tracks exceptions deltas/changes between calls of the number of exceptions caught by jamon.
ExceptionDeltaMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionDeltaMXBeanImp
exceptionLabel - Variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
JAMon exception label - can be overridden in subclasses.
ExceptionMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
MxBean that tracks the count of the number of exceptions thrown.
ExceptionMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Track exceptions caught by jamon.
ExceptionMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
EXCEPTIONS_LABEL - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
execute(Object) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.Command
exists(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
exists(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
exists(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
exists(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
exists(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Note this works with Local, however when it is put into the map by combining multiple MonitorComposites that have the same key (for example on different instances) it does not currently work.
exists(String, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Determine if the monitor associated with the label, and the units currently exists.
exists(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return true if the monitor associated with the passed in key exists
exists(String, String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return true if the monitor associated with the passed in label and units exists
exists(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return true if the monitor associated with the passed in key exists
exists(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils


factoryBasicMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
FactoryDisabled - Class in com.jamonapi
Factory that returns null monitors when JAMon is disabled.
FactoryDisabled(MonitorFactoryInterface) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
Creates a new instance of FactoryDisabled
FactoryEnabled - Class in com.jamonapi
Factory that creates Monitors.
FactoryEnabled() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Creates a new instance of MonFactoryEnabled.
factoryMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
FIFOBufferHolder - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
First-in, first-out buffer.
FIFOBufferHolder() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
FileUtils - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Reusable Utilities used for File manipulations such as reading a file as a String.
FileUtils() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
filterByUnits(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
FrequencyDist - Interface in com.jamonapi
FrequencyDist's are what Ranges are made of.


GcMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
MxBean that gives information about the most recent gc firing.
GcMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Class that can listen to any jmx notifications.
GcMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
generalize(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.DefaultGeneralizer
Replaces numbers and quoted strings with '?'.
generalize(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.Generalizer
Generalizer - Interface in com.jamonapi.utils
This class interface will return a detail form in the getDetailLabel method which is appropriate for logging.
get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
get(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
get() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterFactory
get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
get(String...) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.MonitorCompositeCombiner
Combine MonitorComposites returned by each of the instanceKeys into 1 MonitorComposite.
get(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Get an instance of the named factory instance.
get(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
get(Map, Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
get1xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
get1xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
get1xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
get2xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
get2xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
get2xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
get3xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
get3xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
get3xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
get4xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
get4xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
get4xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
get5xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
get5xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
get5xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
get_Count00_LessThan_0ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count00_LessThan_0ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count00_LessThan_0ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count01_0_10ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count01_0_10ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count01_0_10ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count02_10_20ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count02_10_20ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count02_10_20ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count03_20_40ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count03_20_40ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count03_20_40ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count04_40_80ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count04_40_80ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count04_40_80ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count05_80_160ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count05_80_160ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count05_80_160ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count06_160_320ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count06_160_320ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count06_160_320ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count07_320_640ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count07_320_640ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count07_320_640ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count08_640_1280ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count08_640_1280ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count08_640_1280ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count09_1280_2560ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count09_1280_2560ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count09_1280_2560ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count10_2560_5120ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count10_2560_5120ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count10_2560_5120ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count11_5120_10240ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count11_5120_10240ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count11_5120_10240ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count12_10240_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count12_10240_20480ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count12_10240_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
get_Count13_GreaterThan_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
get_Count13_GreaterThan_20480ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
get_Count13_GreaterThan_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getActive() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getActiveIndex() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
getAsString(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getAvg() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getAvgActive() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
This returns a weighted average
getAvgGlobalActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
for low numbers this can be negative
getAvgPrimaryActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getBasicData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Get basic data (which excludes range data)
getBasicHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Return the header that applies to all monitors.
getBasicHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Puts the word 'Label' into the list.
getBasicHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getBasicRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns the values assoicated with the key as a comma delimited entry in the list.
getBasicRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getBufferList() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
get the underlying bufferList which can then be used to display its contents
getBufferSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Get the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must be removed.
getClassName(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Returns an Objects ClassName minus the package name
getCollection() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Get the underlying collection
getCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Return the underlying Collection that holds the BufferList
getCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
getCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
getComparator() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
getComposite(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getComposite(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Pass in the units (or range type) and return all monitors of that type.
getComposite(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the composite monitor (a collection of monitors) associated with the passed in units.
getComposite(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the composite monitor associated with the passed unit.
getConnection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
getCurrencyFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
getCurrentMonitorComposite() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return all the listeners in the composite
getData(JAMonListener) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
getData(Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
Return an array with spaces for the values in header and values populated for monitor data - last value, active and last access
getData(List, Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
Pass in list and add monitor data to the end of it
getData() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Returns an array of all registered JAMonListeners in the format: key, JamonListener factory instance
getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Return listeners for display purposes in menus for example
getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Get all data including basic data as well as each element within the range
getData() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns the data for basic data with no range info.
getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
getData() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.DetailData
getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.DetailDataWrapper
getDateCreated() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getDateFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
getDateIndex() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
getDayOfWeek(Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Return the day of week from the passed in Date.
getDayOfWeek() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the day of week for today.
getDebug() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getDebug() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
getDebug() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getDebugFactory() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Returns the factory for creating debug monitors.
getDecimalGroupSeparator() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
getDefaultHeaderInfo() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
getDelta() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NumberDelta
getDeltaObjectName(MonitorMXBean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
getDemoLabels() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
getDetailData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
getDetailData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
getDetailData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
getDetailLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Create details for the invoked method.
getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint, Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Create details for when an exception is thrown.
getDetails(T) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
Normal details for standard monitor.
getDetails(T, Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
Details for when an exception occurred in the method.
getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint, Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
getDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
getDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getDetails() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
getDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
getDirectoryName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
getDisplayData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Get display data including 1 column for each range
getDisplayHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Return the header with basic data and one column for each range.
getDisplayHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns each key in the map as a header element in the list
getDisplayHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getDistinctUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getDuration() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBean
getDuration() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Determin if http monitoring is enabled
getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
getEnabled() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBean
getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
getEnableLevelMonitoring() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Returns whether or not LevelMonitoring is enabled or not.
getEnableListenerDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Specifies whether or not LoggingEvent info will be used in the attached Log4jBufferListener.
getEndValue() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.FrequencyDist
Get the end value of the FrequencyDist.
getError() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getError() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
getError() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getErrorIndicator() - Method in exception com.jamonapi.utils.AppBaseException
getException() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
getExceptionBufferSize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getExceptionBufferSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must be removed.
getExceptionCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionDeltaMXBeanImp
getExceptionCount() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
Get the total count of exceptions thrown.
getExceptionCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
getExceptionDetail() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getExceptionDetail() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the exception buffer as an array, so it can be displayed
getExceptionDetailHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getExceptionDetailHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the header that can be used to display the Exceptions buffer
getExceptionLabel(Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Create a label out of the passed in exception.
getExceptionLabel(Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
Get a jamon key that represents the excepton being thrown.
getExceptionLabel(Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
getExceptionLabel(Method) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
getExceptionLabel(Method) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabelerInt
When an exception is thrown this returns what jamon label do you want to use
getExceptionPrefix() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
getExceptionTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Return Exception information as a row (1 dim array)
getFactory() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the current Factory (could be the enabled or disabled factory depending on what is enabled)
getFatal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getFatal() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
getFatal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getFileContents(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
Read text files contents in as a String.
getFileName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getFirstAccess() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getFloatingPointFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
getFormattedDate(String, Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Formats the passed in date with the passed in date format String.
getFormattedDateNow(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Formats todays date with the passed in date format String.
getFrequencyDist(double) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Return a FrequencyDist associated with the passed in value.
getFrequencyDists() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Return the array of all FrequencyDists in this range
getGarbageCollectionMbeans(MBeanServer) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils
Get a list of the garbage collector mbeans.
getGcInfo() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBean
getGcInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
getGeneralize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Return whether or not generalization will occur
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
getHeader(JAMonListener) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
getHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Returns the header for display of JAMonListeners
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Return header info for display purposes
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
Returns the valid header for display of this buffer
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Return the header with basic data and columns for each field within the range.
getHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
getHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns each key in the map as a header element in the list
getHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Get the header that can be used to display the buffer.
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
getHeader() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.DetailData
getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.DetailDataWrapper
getHeaderInfo(String[]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getHits() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Determine if http params are ignored when creating a jamon label for request.getRequestURI(), and request.getRequestURL().
getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
getInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
getInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getInfo() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
getInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getInfo() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
getInputStream(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
getInstance() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
getInstance() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
get this instance name.
getInstance() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
getInstance() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getInstanceName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
getInstances() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
Get instances by looking in directory for any saved files and also add local in memory instance
getIntegerFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
getInterfaces(Class) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getInterfaces(Class) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
For every class in the Object/Interface heirarchy find its implemented interfaces.
getJamonDataPersister() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
getJAMonDetailRow() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getJAMonDetailRow() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getJamonLabel(InvocationContext) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Returns JAMon's label for the specified Invocation context.
getJamonProperties() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterFactory
getJamonProperties() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
Using logic documented in the class comments load jamon properties.
getLabel(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Uses a jamon label as a method name.
getLabel(T) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
jamon label to be used in key.
getLabel(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: com.jamonapi.Exceptions
getLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanProperty
example: com.jamonapi.Exceptions
getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
example: com.jamonapi.Exceptions
getLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Returns the label for the monitor
getLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Returns the label for the monitor
getLabeler() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Get current labeler
getLabelFactory() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getLabelFactory() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
getLabelPrefix() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getLastAccess() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getLastValue() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getLastValueIndex() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
getListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the listener associated with the passed in name
getListener(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the listener associated with the index
getListener() - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Get underlying listener class
getListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Get a handle to the listener by name.
getListenerName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: FIFOBuffer
getListeners() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
getListenerType() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: value, maxactive, ...
getListenerType(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
pass in a valid listener type (min, max, value, maxactive) and get the ListenerType
getLoggingEvent() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jMonKey
Return the log4j LoggingEvent object that is part of this key
getLogicalOperator() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Get the logical operator associated with the top end point.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
getLogWriter() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
getMajorVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
boolean acceptsURL(String url) Retrieves whether the driver thinks that it can open a connection to the given URL.
getMap() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getMap() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getMap() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
getMap() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the backing map that holds the the Monitors.
getMatches() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Returns an array of Strings that matched the Strings specified in the matches arraylist.
getMatchStrings() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getMatchStrings() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get a list of the strings to match in the parsed query.
getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getMax() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getMaxActive() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getMaxNumMonitors() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getMaxNumMonitors() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getMaxNumMonitors() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the maximum number of monitors that JAMon can store.
getMaxNumMonitors() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the max number of configured of monitors.
getMaxSqlSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getMaxSqlSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getMaxSqlSize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the size that sql statements can be before truncating them.
getMaxSqlSize() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the size that sql statements can be before truncating them.
getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getMin() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getMinorVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
getMon(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getMonitor(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getMonitor(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getMonitor() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
getMonitor(String, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the monitor associated with the label, and units.
getMonitor(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the monitor associated with the passed in key.
getMonitor() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Returns a non-TimeMonitor that won't update the jamon factory.
getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the monitor associated with the passed in key.
getMonitor(String, String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the monitor with the passed in label, and units.
getMonitoredObject() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Return the underlying object being Monitored.
getMonitoredObject(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Static method that returns the underlying/wrapped/monitored object if the passed object is an interfaced monitored by JAMon else if not simply return the object unchanged.
getMonitors() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getMonitors(String[][]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Pass in an array with col1=lables, and col2=units and then call methods
getMonKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getMonKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getMonKeyMap() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Return the map underlying this Object
getMonProxy(Proxy) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getMonProxy(Proxy) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Returns the MonProxy invocation handler should you need access to its methods like setLabeler(...) etc.
getMonth(Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the month out of the passed in Date.
getMonth() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Return the 2 digit month of todays date
getMostRecentException() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
Get the stacktrace in string format of the most recently thrown exception.
getMostRecentException() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
getMxBeans() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the name of this instance
getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
getName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.JAMonListener
Gets the name of this listener
getName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanProperty
Return logical name to be used instead of label, or empty string if it doesn't exist.
getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
Return logical name to be used instead of label, or empty string if it doesn't exist.
getName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getNumCols() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
getNumListeners() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the number of listeners
getNumMatches() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Returns the number of matches or 0 if there were none
getNumRows() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getNumRows() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getNumRows() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getNumRows() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns the number of monitors in this factory.
getNumRows() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the number of monitors in this factory
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionDeltaMXBeanImp
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getObjectName(MonitorMXBean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
getOrderedCollection() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Get the Collection in sorted order
getOrderedCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
getOrderedCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
getOutputStream(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
getParam() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Used to get any arbitrary Object into the key.
getParentLogger() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
getParentLogger() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
getParsedSQL() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Return sql with original argument values replaced with '?'.
getPercentFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
getPropertiesDirectory() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Returns this drivers properties.
getRange() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getRange() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getRangeHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getRangeHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getRangeHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the header for displaying what ranges are available.
getRangeHeader() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the header associated with range names
getRangeKey() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
Uses this value to look up an associated Range
getRangeKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns either the passed in range key, or it builds the key from the maps keys concatenated
getRangeKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getRangeNames() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getRangeNames() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getRangeNames() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the ranges in this factory.
getRangeNames() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return an array of range names.
getRealDriverName(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Takes a url of the jamon format: jdbc:jamon:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase?jamonrealdriver=com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver&LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME=myhost and returns: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver
getRealURL(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Takes a url of the jamon format: jdbc:jamon:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase?jamonrealdriver=com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver&LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME=myhost and returns the real url associated with the underlying driver: jdbc:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase?LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME=myhost
getReference() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
getReport() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
A basic report in html format.
getReport(int, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
A basic report in html format that is sorted.
getReport() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns an HTML report for basic data with no range info in the header.
getReport(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns an HTML report for basic data with no range info in the header for the past in units.
getRootMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getRootMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getComposite("AllMonitors") is the same as getRootMonitor()
getRootMonitor() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the composite monitor of all monitors for this factory
getRootMonitor() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the root composite monitor that contains all monitors in this factory
getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Also returns the number of listeners
getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Return the rows in the BufferList
getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
getRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Add each value from the map at an element to the list.
getRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getRowDisplayData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Add each value from the map at an element to the list.
getRowDisplayData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getRuntimeException(Exception) - Static method in exception com.jamonapi.utils.AppBaseException
getShortDate(Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the short date for the passed in day.
getShortDate() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the short date for Today.
getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Get the max number of possible HttpMonitors.
getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
getSize() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
Returns the size of the key in characters within the key.
getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
getSize() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
getSQLBufferSize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getSQLBufferSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the number of SQL statements that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must be removed.
getSQLDetail() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getSQLDetail() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the sql buffer as an array, so it can be displayed
getSQLDetailHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
getSQLDetailHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the header that can be used to display the SQL buffer
getSQLToParse() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Get sql that was passed in to parse.
getSQLType() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Return the first word from the sql command.
getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getStdDev() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
This is not a true standard deviation but a average weighted std deviation.
getSummaryLabel(Method) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
getSummaryLabel(Method) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabelerInt
Summary label that you want jamon to use
getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Get the passed in summaryLabels.
getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
getSummaryPrefix() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getTimeMonitor(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getTimeMonitor(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getTimeMonitor(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the time monitor associated with the label.
getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the time monitor associated with the passed in key.
getTimeMonitor(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the time monitor associated with the passed in label.
getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the time monitor associated with the passed in key.
getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getTotal() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
getTotal() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
getTotalKeySize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getTotalKeySize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Returns the total of all keys in the monitor map.
getTotalKeySize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Returns the total key sizes which is the size of all String lables stored in JAMon.
getTotalKeySize() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
getTrace() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getTrace() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
getTrace() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: Exception
getUnits() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanProperty
example: Exception
getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
example: Exception
getUnits() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Returns the units for the monitor
getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Returns the units for the monitor
getURI(ServletRequest) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter
getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jMonKey
Returns any object that has a named key.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Alternative method of getting the values in the 'get' methods like getHits(), getAvg() etc.
getValue(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
return any value associated with the key.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns any object that has a named key.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Returns any object that has a named key.
getVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
getVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getVersion() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBean
getVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
getVersion() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the version of JAMon
getVersion() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get JAMon's version.
getWarn() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
getWarn() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
getWarn() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
getWhen() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
Get the date of the most recently thrown exception.
getWhen() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
getWhen() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBean
getWhen() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp


handle(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
Monitor the request and call any other requests in the decorator chain
handle(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
Monitor the request and call any other requests in the decorator chain
handleNotification(Notification, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
This is called automatically when a gc is fired
hasData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
hasData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
hasData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Does this have data?
hasData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Return true if the bufferList has data
hasData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
hasGeneralizer() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Indicates whether or not a Generalizer has been set
hashCode() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Used when key is put into a Map to look up the monitor
hashCode() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Used when key is put into a Map to look up the monitor
hashCode() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
hasListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
return true if the named listener exists
hasListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Returns true if listener type exists (value/max/min/maxactive) or listener exists by name.
hasListener(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Introduced as a way to check for listeners that allows for lazy initialization saving a fair amount of memory.
hasListeners() - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Returns true if any listeners exist
hasListeners(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Returns true if this listenertype ('max', 'min', 'value', 'maxactive') has any listeners at all
hasListeners() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
hasListeners() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
hasMatches() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Returns true if there were any matches against the match Strings
hasNext() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.EnumIterator
HazelcastFilePersister - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Class that interacts with HazelCast to save jamon data to it so data from any jvm's in the hazelcast cluster can be visible via the jamon web app.
HazelcastFilePersister() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastFilePersister
HazelcastPersister - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Wrapper for HazelCast persister that provides other services such as monitoring.
HazelcastPersister() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersister
HazelcastPersisterImp - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Class that interacts with HazelCast to save jamon data to it so data from any jvms in the hazelcast cluster can be visible via the jamon web app.
HazelcastPersisterImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
HazelcastPersisterImp(HazelcastInstance) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
HeaderInfo(String[]) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
HttpMon - Interface in com.jamonapi.http
Generic monitoring interface used with HttpServletRequest, and HttpServletResponse objects used in servlet containers.
HttpMonFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Base class that monitors a httpServletRequest, and HttpServletResponse by returning an HttpMonRequest object per page request.
HttpMonFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Create an HttpMonFactory by passing in text that occurs at the beginning of all jamon labels.
HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that exposes jamon httpStatus metrics deltas.
HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
HttpStatusMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
MxBean that counts httpStatus frequency.
HttpStatusMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that exposes jamon http status counts for 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx.
HttpStatusMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp


init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter
init(MonProxy) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
Note init is called at time of initialization.
init(MonProxy) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabelerInt
Note init is called at time of initialization.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
INSTANCE_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
instanceLog(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Logger
instances - Variable in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
intercept(InvocationContext) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Decorates method calls by monitoring them for performance and exceptions
invoke(Request, Response) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
Extract the desired request property, and pass it (along with the specified request and response objects) to the protected process() method to perform the actual filtering.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Method that monitors method invocations of the proxied interface.
invoke(Request, Response) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
Extract the desired request property, and pass it (along with the specified request and response objects) to the protected process() method to perform the actual filtering.
isActivityTracking() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
isActivityTrackingEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
isActivityTrackingEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
isActivityTrackingEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
isActivityTrackingEnabled() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
isAllEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isAllEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
isDebugEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Is the Debug Monitor Factory currently enabled?
isEmpty() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
isEmpty() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
isEmpty() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Return true if the bufferList is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
isEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
isEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
It just takes one of the monitors to not be enabled for the composite to be false
isEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Is the MonitorFactory currently enabled?
isEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Returns true if MonProxyFactory is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Returns true if MonProxy is enabled.
isExceptionDetailEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isExceptionDetailEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
isExceptionSummaryEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isExceptionSummaryEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
isGlobalActiveEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
isGlobalActiveEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
isGlobalActiveEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
isGlobalActiveEnabled() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
isInterfaceEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isInterfaceEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Inidicates whether methods of the interface are monitored or not
isKeyToString() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonDetailValue
isLocalInstance() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
means is in this jvm and not data distributed from another machine
isMonitored(InvocationContext) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Indicates whether the method invocation should be monitored.
isNaturalOrder() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
isObjectString(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
isPrimary() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
isPrimary() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
It just takes one of the monitors to not be primary for the composite to be false
isResultSetEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isResultSetEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Indicates whether ResultSet methods are monitored.
isSQLDetailEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isSQLDetailEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Indicates whether sql command details (time, sql, stack trace, ...) are kept in a rolling buffer
isSQLSummaryEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
isSQLSummaryEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Indicates whether jamon summary stats are kept for SQL
isTotalKeySizeTrackingEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
isTotalKeySizeTrackingEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
isTotalKeySizeTrackingEnabled() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
isTotalKeySizeTrackingEnabled() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
iterate(Map, Command) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.CommandIterator
Iterate through a Map passing Command object a Map.Entry.
iterate(Collection, Command) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.CommandIterator
Iterate through a Collection passing the Command object each element in the collection.
iterate(Enumeration, Command) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.CommandIterator
Iterate through an Enumeration passing the Command object each element in the Collection
iterate(Iterator, Command) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.CommandIterator
Iterate passing each Command each Object that is being iterated
iterator() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Get an iterator that will contain the Composite's JAMonListener objects.
iterator() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
iterator() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
iterator() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
iterator() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface


JamonAopKeyHelper - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
Class that monitors helps create keys, details, arguments and exceptions for jamon aop.
JamonAopKeyHelper() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
JamonAopKeyHelper(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
JamonAopKeyHelperInt<T> - Interface in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
This was intended to be more generic, but currently works with JoinPoints only.
JamonAopKeyHelperSimple - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
Created by stevesouza on 6/8/14.
JamonAopKeyHelperSimple() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
JAMonAppender - Class in com.jamonapi.log4j
Implementaton of a log4j Appender that allows you to summarize log4j stats via jamon and view the tail of the log in realtime in a jamon web page.
JAMonAppender() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
JAMonArrayBufferListener - Class in com.jamonapi
Listener that stores monitor information in a buffer (List)
JAMonArrayBufferListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
Constructor that creates this object with its default name (the class name)
JAMonArrayBufferListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
Pass in the jamonListener name
JAMonArrayBufferListener(String, BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
Name the listener and pass in the jamon BufferList to use
JAMonArrayComparator - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
This class allows you to compare Object[] arrays by multiple columns.
JAMonArrayComparator() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
JAMonArrayComparator(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
Sort/compare the passed in col number starting at 0 in natural (true) or reverse (false) order based on the columns Compareable interface being called.
JamonAspect - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
This class tracks the performance of classes and methods:
JAMon Label=void com.stevesouza.spring.MonitorMe3.anotherMethod2(), Units=ms.: (LastValue=0.0, Hits=10.0, Avg=0.3, Total=3.0, Min=0.0, Max=1.0, Active=0.0, Avg Active=1.0, Max Active=1.0, First Access=Tue Jun 03 21:11:21 CEST 2014, Last Access=Tue Jun 03 21:11:26 CEST 2014)
JamonAspect() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
JamonAspect(JamonAopKeyHelperInt) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
JAMonBufferListener - Class in com.jamonapi
JAMonListener that puts jamon data into a buffer that allows you to display the last N configurable detail events.
JAMonBufferListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
JAMonBufferListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
Pass in the jamonListener name
JAMonBufferListener(String, BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
Name the listener and pass in the jamon BufferList to use
JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo - Class in com.jamonapi
JAMonComparator - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
JAMonComparator() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
JAMonComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
JAMonComparator(boolean, Comparator) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
JamonDataPersister - Interface in com.jamonapi.distributed
Interface that supports saving different jamon data sets.
JamonDataPersisterDecorator - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Class that wraps another JamonDataPersister and tracks its performance and any exceptions it may throw.
JamonDataPersisterDecorator() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
JamonDataPersisterFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Class that instanciates the JamonDataPersister class.
JamonDataPersisterTimerTask - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Task that starts a thread that will call the JamonDataPersister put method on a timer.
JamonDataPersisterTimerTask(JamonDataPersister) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterTimerTask
JAMonDataSource - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
The datasource is incomplete.
JAMonDataSource(DataSource) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
JAMonDataSource() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
JAMonDetailValue - Class in com.jamonapi
Class used to add the label, value and time invoked for the associated monitor.
JAMonDetailValue(MonKey, double, double, long) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonDetailValue
JAMonDriver - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
This class will be a proxy for the underlying jdbc driver.
JAMonDriver() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
JAMonEJBInterceptor - Class in com.jamonapi.aop
Class for monitoring EJB's via AOP.
JAMonEJBInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.JAMonEJBInterceptor
Mimic the labels of the original implementation.
JAMonFilter - Class in com.jamonapi
The following should be put in the Web Application's web.xml file to enable servlet monitoring.
JAMonFilter() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter
JAMonInterceptor - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.general
JAMon Interceptor for measuring method execution time, and tracking any exceptions the method calls: can be used in EJB, or CDI in general.
JAMonInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
JAMonInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
JAMonJettyHandler - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Handler that can be used to track request access in jetty.
JAMonJettyHandler() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
JAMonJettyHandlerNew - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Handler that can be used to track request access in jetty.
JAMonJettyHandlerNew() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
JamonJmxBeanProperty - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
Represents a value used to grab a jmx entries values from a jamon monitor.
JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Value object that holds the label, units and logical name of a monitor.
JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
JAMonListener - Interface in com.jamonapi
Interface that can be implemented if you want to code something to listen for JAMon events such as a new max/min/max active have occured, or even if the monitor has fired.
JAMonListenerFactory - Class in com.jamonapi
Factory used to hold JAMonListeners.
JAMonListenerFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
JamonListenerProperty(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
JamonMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that allows for basic management of jamon.
JamonMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that allows you to manage jamon
JamonMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
JamonPropertiesLoader - Class in com.jamonapi
Load jamon properties.
JamonPropertiesLoader() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty - Class in com.jamonapi
JamonServletContextListener - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
A timer is executed when the web container starts up.
JamonServletContextListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonServletContextListener
JAMonServletFilter - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Note this servlet filter is more functional than com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter, but either can be used.
JAMonServletFilter() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
JAMonTomcat55Valve - Class in com.jamontomcat
Note this is simply a copy of com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve.
JAMonTomcat55Valve() - Constructor for class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
JAMonTomcat6Valve - Class in com.jamontomcat
JAMonTomcat6Valve() - Constructor for class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat6Valve
JAMonTomcatValve - Class in com.jamonapi.http
This valve works in tomcat 6 and jboss tomcat 5.5.
JAMonTomcatValve() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
jdbcCompliant() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
JettyHttpMonFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Factory used in the JAMonJettyHandler.
JettyHttpMonFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JettyHttpMonFactory
jmxProperties - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
JmxUtils - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Class that creates and destroys jamon jmx monitors.
JmxUtils() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils


keyHelper - Variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
keyPrefix - Variable in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty


LABEL - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
LABEL - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
label - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
label - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
LABEL_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
ListenerType - Class in com.jamonapi
Object that contains a listener type such as value, max, min or maxactive.
listFiles(String, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
LocaleContext - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Provides a context for localized parameters, mainly formatters, in thread local scope.
LocalJamonDataPersister - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Class that returns the static jamon data for the jvm as returned by MonitorFactory.getRootMonitor()
LocalJamonDataPersister() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
LocalJamonFilePersister - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Persist/serialize jamon data (MonitorComposite) to a local file.
LocalJamonFilePersister() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
log(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Logger
Log4jBufferListener - Class in com.jamonapi.log4j
This class can act as a standard JAMonBufferListener/FIFOBuffer or more interestingly if used with log4j it will put in the Buffer data that although designed to work as a Buffer that displays details unique to log4j, if the monitor does not have a Log4jMonKey, it will fallback to Standard JAMonBufferListener behaviour.
Log4jBufferListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
Constructor that creaates this object with its default name (the class name)
Log4jBufferListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
Pass in the jamonListener name
Log4jBufferListener(String, BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
Name the listener and pass in the jamon BufferList to use
Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that exposes jamon log4j metrics deltas.
Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
Log4jMonKey - Class in com.jamonapi.log4j
MonKey used to put log4j records into jamon hashmap.
Log4jMonKey(String, String, String, LoggingEvent) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jMonKey
Constructor for building jamon key for log4j
Log4jMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
MxBean that counts how many times each of the various log4j logging methods is called (i.e.
Log4jMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that exposes jamon log4j metrics.
Log4jMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
logDebug(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Logger
Logger - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Very Simple Utility class used for Logging.
Logger() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.Logger
logInfo(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Logger


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
Test class for performance numbers of JAMon.
makeValidFileName(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
Replace all invalid file characters with valid ones.
Misc - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Difficult to group Utilities
Misc() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
mkdirs(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
Create directory including any non existing parent directories in the the passed in path
Mon - Class in com.jamonapi
Servlet that enables the ability to take advantage of jamon by passing arbitrary strings to this servlet which subsequently calls start/stop/add on the MonitorFactory.
Mon() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.Mon
monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
Wrap jamon calls around the invoked method.
Monitor - Class in com.jamonapi
Used to interact with monitor objects.
monitor(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(Object, Class[]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(Object, Class) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(Connection) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(ResultSet) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(Statement) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(PreparedStatement) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(CallableStatement) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
monitor(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
By passing any interface to the monitor method, all public method calls and exceptions will be monitored.
monitor(Object, Class[]) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
By passing any interface to the monitor method, and an array of interfaces to implement then all public method calls and exceptions will be monitored.
monitor(Object, Class) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
By passing any interface to the monitor method, and an interface to implement then all public method calls and exceptions will be monitored.
monitor(Connection) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Note if a connection object is monitored any Statements, PreparedStatements, CallableStatements, and optionally ResultSets that it creates will automatically be monitored.
monitor(ResultSet) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a resultSets methods.
monitor(Statement) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a Statements methods, as well as any ResultSets it returns (assuming the proper monitoring options are enabled)
monitor(PreparedStatement) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a PreparedStatements methods, as well as any ResultSets it returns (assuming the proper monitoring options are enabled)
monitor(CallableStatement) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a CallableStatements methods, as well as any ResultSets it returns (assuming the proper monitoring options are enabled)
MONITOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
monitorAnnotatedClass() - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions
The pointcut below will find all methods in all types marked with @MonitorAnnotation
monitorAnnotatedMethod() - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions
The pointcut below will find all methods marked with @MonitorAnnotation
MonitorAnnotation - Annotation Type in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
MonitorComposite - Class in com.jamonapi
Treats groups of monitors the same way you treat one monitor.
MonitorComposite(Monitor[]) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Creates a new instance of MonitorComposite
MonitorCompositeCombiner - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Combines multiple MonitorComposite objects into one by getting them from the @link JamonDataPersister.
MonitorCompositeCombiner(JamonDataPersister) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.MonitorCompositeCombiner
MonitorCompositeIterator - Class in com.jamonapi
Class that allows for iterating a collection that contains multiple instances of MonitorComposites and iterates through them as if they were one MonitorComposite.
MonitorCompositeIterator(Collection<MonitorComposite>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
In addition to tracking the normal jamon aggregates this also displays counts for the time ranges for ms.
MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Calculate the delta since the last time the methods were called for a given jamon monitor key.
MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
MonitorFactory - Class in com.jamonapi
Static MonitorFactory that is good to use in most cases.
MonitorFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
MonitorFactoryInterface - Interface in com.jamonapi
Interface used to create Monitors.
MonitorMsMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
Interface that tracks range counts for 'ms.' based jamon monitors
MonitorMsMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MxBean used for ms.
MonitorMsMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
MonitorMsMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
MonitorMsMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
MonitorMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
Interface for configurable jamon jmx beans.
MonitorMXBeanFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Factory for creating configurable jamon jmx mbeans.
MonitorMXBeanFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
MonitorMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Base class for jamon configurable mbeans.
MonitorMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
MonitorMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
MonitorMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
MonKey - Interface in com.jamonapi
Key that allows for a monitor to be passed any number of keys used in the equivalent of a group by clause.
MonKeyBase - Class in com.jamonapi
Class that can be used as a composite key for MonitorFactor.add(compositeKey, 100) method calls Note the passed in LinkedHashMap is used as a key to another Map that looks up the associated monitor.
MonKeyBase(LinkedHashMap) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Calls the other constructor.
MonKeyBase(String, LinkedHashMap) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
The LinkHashMap will contain key value pairs.
MonKeyImp - Class in com.jamonapi
A key implmentation for label, and units type monitors.
MonKeyImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
MonKeyImp(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Object details can be an Object[], a Collection, or a Java Object.
MonKeyImp(MonKeyItem, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
MonKeyItem - Interface in com.jamonapi
Used for MonKey to allow jamon to have the generalized form of the key for aggregation, and the more specific form for writing out details say to a buffer.
MonKeyItemBase - Class in com.jamonapi
Used in MonKeys.
MonKeyItemBase(Object) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
MonKeyItemBase(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
MonProxy - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
By using this proxy class ANY java interface can be monitored for performance and exceptions via JAMon.
MonProxyFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
This static MonProxyFactory simply uses an instance of MonProxyFactoryImp to do its work.
MonProxyFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
MonProxyFactoryImp - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
MonProxyFactory allows developers to monitor ANY interface by simply passing the Object implementing the interface to the monitor method.
MonProxyFactoryImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
MonProxyLabeler - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
Standard implementation of creating the jamon label for the MonProxy class.
MonProxyLabeler() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
MonProxyLabeler(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
MonProxyLabelerInt - Interface in com.jamonapi.proxy
This method is called by MonProxy to determine the jamon summary label for each method invoked.


name - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
name - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
next() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
next() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.EnumIterator
NExtremeArrayBufferHolder - Class in com.jamonapi
Buffer used to keep the last N recent array values based on the comparator.
NExtremeArrayBufferHolder(JAMonArrayComparator) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.NExtremeArrayBufferHolder
Constructor that takes a JAMonArrayComparator that can be used to determine when values should be removed from and added to the array.
NExtremeArrayBufferHolder(boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.NExtremeArrayBufferHolder
Pass true for natural order, and false for reverse order and column number in Object[] to compare starting at 0
NExtremeBufferHolder - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Buffer used to keep the last N recent values based on the comparator.
NExtremeBufferHolder(Comparator) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
NExtremeBufferHolder(boolean) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
NULL_STR - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Returned when a method parameter is null
NullMonitor - Class in com.jamonapi
Do nothing monitor i.e.
NullMonitor() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.NullMonitor
nullMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
nullMonitor2() - Method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
NumberDelta - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
This class takes successive values and returns the difference or delta between them.
NumberDelta() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.NumberDelta


onException(InvocationContext, String, Exception) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Default exception handling.


processEvent(Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Notify all listeners that are part of this composite of a jamon event and pass them the monitor that triggered the event.
processEvent(Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
When this event is fired the monitor will be added to the rolling buffer.
processEvent(Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
When this event is fired the monitor will be added to the rolling buffer
processEvent(Monitor) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.JAMonListener
Called and the current monitor is past in.
processEvent(Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
When this event is fired the monitor will be added to the rolling buffer.
put() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
put(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
put() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
Puts the default data (MonitorFactory.getRootMonitor()) in with the default key (For example 'local')
put(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
Puts the default data (MonitorFactory.getRootMonitor()) in with the specified key (For example 'jetty-local')
put() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
put(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
put() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
This is a noop.
put(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
This is a noop.
put() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
put(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
put(JAMonListener) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Developers may register their own listeners to be made available for use in JAMon
put(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
Note up to jdk 8 putAll(m) called the put(...) method below similar to the implementation below.
putSQLType(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
SQL types are the first word that is in a sql statement.


Range - Interface in com.jamonapi
Class that contains buckets of time that are tracked within a monitor.
RangeHolder - Class in com.jamonapi
Class that allows users to create ranges with the associated FrequencyDists/Buckets.
RangeHolder(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.RangeHolder
Takes values < or <=
RangeHolder() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.RangeHolder
defaults to <
register() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Register the JAMon driver.
registerMbeans() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils
register all jamon related mbeans
registerMbeans(MBeanServer) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils
Register all jamon related mbeans with the passed in MBeanServer
remove(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
remove(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
Remove the monitoring data.
remove(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
remove(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
remove(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
remove(String...) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.MonitorCompositeCombiner
Remove any of the MonitorComposites associated with the key.
remove(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
remove(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
remove(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
remove(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
remove() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
remove(String, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Remove/delete the specified monitor
remove(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Remove the monitor associated with the passed in key
remove(String, String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Remove the monitor associated with the passed in label and units
remove(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Remove the monitor associated with the passed in key
remove(Object) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Remove the smallest element from the BufferList if the buffer is full and shouldReplaceWith(...) returns true.
remove() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.EnumIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
remove(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
removeListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Remove the named listener from this CompositeListener
removeListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Remove the named listener
removeListener(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Introduced as a way to remove listeners that allows for lazy initialization saving a fair amount of memory.
requiresLayout() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
JAMonAppender doesn't have to have a layount because it is acceptable to default to using the raw message.
reset() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
reset() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Wipe out existing jamon data.
reset() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Reset all listeners in factory to default settings.
reset() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBean
reset() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
reset() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
reset() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
reset() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Reset/remove all monitors.
reset() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Reset jamon stats for this factory.
reset() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
reset everything to defaults and clear out any data
reset() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Reset all FrequencyDists associated with this Range
reset() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Reset BufferList.
reset() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
Reset thread local variables.
resetBuffer() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Remove all Exceptions from the buffer.
resetExceptionDetail() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
resetExceptionDetail() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Remove all Exceptions from the buffer.
resetSQLDetail() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
resetSQLDetail() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Remove all SQL from the buffer.
run() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterTimerTask
This method saves the jamon data.


schedule(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterTimerTask
Start thread that will save jamon data (MonitorComposite).
SerializationUtils - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Class that can serialize and deserialize objects.
SerializationUtils() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
serialize(Serializable, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
note object should be serializable
serializeToFile(Serializable, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
setAccessStats(long) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setActivityTracking(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
FROM frequencydistimp
setActivityTracking(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setBufferHolder(BufferHolder) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Set the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must be removed.
setCollection(List) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
setCollection(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
setCollection(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class com.jamonapi.NExtremeArrayBufferHolder
Note the only valid Comparator to be passed is JAMonArrayComparator
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
setDateCreated(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Enable or disable the debug factory.
setDetails(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
setDetails(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
setDetails(Object) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
setDetails(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Enable/disable http monitoring
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBean
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Enable/Disable MonitorFactory.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
setEnableDefaultGeneralizer(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Enable the use of the DefaultGeneralizer.
setEnableLevelMonitoring(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Specifies whether or not there will be a JAMon record for each log4j Level (DEBUG/WARN/...), and another one that corresponds to all calls to log4j logging methods.
setEnableListenerDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Specify whether or not LoggingEvent info will be used in the attached Log4jBufferListener
setEnableListeners(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Note this is primarily used by the log4j configurator.
setException(Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
setExceptionBufferListener(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
If true is passed in then a buffer will contain the most recent stack traces.
setExceptionBufferSize(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
setExceptionBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Set the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must be removed.
setFirstAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setFirstAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setGeneralize(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Indicate whether or not a jamon record should be created from the passed in message.
setGeneralizerClass(Generalizer) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Default generalizer based on com.jamonapi.utils.SQLDeArger.
setGeneralizerDynamic(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Pass in a string class name and this generalizer will be constructed an used.
setHits(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setHits(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Set if http params are ignored when creating a jamon label for request.getRequestURI(), and request.getRequestURL().
setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
setInstanceName(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
Now that jamon can track data on multiple vm's we need a way to better identify the keys.
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
setKeyHelper(JamonAopKeyHelperInt) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
setKeyToString(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonDetailValue
setLabeler(MonProxyLabelerInt) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Set labeler to be called when summary stats are recorded for a method call or when the interface throws an exception
setLabelFactory(MonProxyLabelerInt) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
setLabelFactory(MonProxyLabelerInt) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
This class will be called when creating the jamon labels for both standard summary as well as exceptions.
setLastAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setLastAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setLastValue(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setLastValue(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setListenerBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
For defaultBufferSize to take hold it must be called before the first call to setDefaultListeners.
setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
Sets the locale to apply for formatting.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
setMap(Map) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
setMap(Map) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
allows for using a faster/open source map.
setMap(Map) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Use the specified map to hold the monitors.
setMap(Map) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Set the map that holds the monitors.
setMatchStrings(List) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
setMatchStrings(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Set the strings to match
setMax(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setMax(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setMaxActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setMaxActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Set the maximum number of monitors that JAMon can store.
setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Set the max number of monitors that can be tracked.
setMaxSqlSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
setMaxSqlSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
setMaxSqlSize(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Set the maximum size for a sql statement.
setMaxSqlSize(int) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Set the maximum size for a sql statement.
setMin(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setMin(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
sets the name of this monitor instance
setName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
setName(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.JAMonListener
Set the name of the listener
setParam(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Used to set any arbitrary Object into the key.
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Note if a null is passed in it will have the same effect as an empty RangeHolder (i.e.
setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Associate a range with a key/unit.
setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Associate a Range mapping to any monitor that has a unit/key name that matches what is passed to key
setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Set the max number of possible HttpMonitors.
setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
setSQLBufferSize(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
setSQLBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Set the number of SQL Statements that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must be removed.
setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Pass a series of things (HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse methods) to monitor.
setSummaryLabels(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
if passed summaryLabel has 'default' in it replace it with defaultString and then call this classes setSummaryLabels method.
setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
setTotal(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
setTotal(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setTotalActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Neeed to reset this to 0.0 to remove avg active numbers
setTotalActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
setUnits(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Track arguments for all exceptions thrown.
setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
If true then the method argument details will be appended to the details when an exception is thrown only.
setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
This method is a noop
setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
Specifies to have the methods arguments viewable in the jamon monitor details.
setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Track arguments for all methods monitored.
setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
If true then the method argument details will be appended to the details whenever the monitored method is called.
setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
This method is a noop
setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
Specifies to have the methods arguments viewable in the jamon monitor details.
setUseParametersInDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
setValue(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NumberDelta
SharedJAMonBufferListener - Class in com.jamonapi
Class that works like JAMonBufferListeners but allows users to share buffers between monitors with the jamon gui...
SharedJAMonBufferListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.SharedJAMonBufferListener
SharedJAMonBufferListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.SharedJAMonBufferListener
Pass in the jamonListener name
SharedJAMonBufferListener(String, BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.SharedJAMonBufferListener
Name the listener and pass in the jamon BufferList to use
shouldReplaceWith(Object) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Returns true if this object is greater than the smallest value in the buffer
shouldReplaceWith(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
shouldReplaceWith(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
shutDownHazelCast() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersister
shutDownHazelCast() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
skip() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
decrement counters but don't add aggregate stats to monitor.
sort(Object[][], int, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Sort a 2 dimensional array based on 1 columns data in either ascending or descending order.
split(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
SQLDeArger - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
SQLDeArger takes a sql statement and 1) replaces argument values ('souza', "souza", 'souza''s', 100, 100.5, 0xff, 10e9) with question marks It makes full sql statements look more like a prepared statement.
SQLDeArger(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Accepts string to parse
SQLDeArger(String, List) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Accepts strings to parse and a List of strings to check to see if they are in the sql statement.
SQLDeArger(String, List, int) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
This constructor will truncate any sql statements longer than sqlMaxSize before the JAMon label is created
start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicNanoTimingMonitor
start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicTimingMonitor
start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
start(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
start(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
start(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
start(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
start() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
start(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Method called to start monitoring a request.
start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
start(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return a timing monitor with units in milliseconds.
start() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return a timing monitor with units in milliseconds, that is not aggregated into the jamon stats.
start(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Start using the passed in key.
start(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return a time monitor (the units are implied and are ms.
start(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Start using the passed in key.
start() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Returns a TimeMonitor that won't update the jamon factory.
startNano(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
startNano(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
startNano(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
startNano(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
startNano(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
start nanosecond timer
startNano(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Provide your own key to a nanosecond timer
startNano(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Create a timing monitor that uses nanosecond granularity (1,000,000 ns.=1 ms.)
startNano(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Provide your own key to a nanosecond timer
startPrimary(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
startPrimary(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
startPrimary(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
startPrimary(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
startPrimary(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return a timing monitor with units in milliseconds, that is not aggregated into the jamon stats.
startPrimary(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Start a monitor with the specified key and mark it as primary
startPrimary(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Start a time monitor and mark it as primary
startPrimary(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Start a monitor with the specified key and mark it as primary
stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicNanoTimingMonitor
stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicTimingMonitor
stop() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
SystemAopPointcutDefinitions - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
It is good to have a class that has common aop pointcuts for your application.
SystemAopPointcutDefinitions() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions


TestClassPerformance - Class in com.jamonapi
Class used to test performance of JAMon.
TestClassPerformance() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
Creates a new instance of TestClassPerformance
TestClassPerformance(int) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
throwException(Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
timingNoMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
toArray() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonDetailValue
Returns label, value, time as an Object[] of 3 values.
toArray(LoggingEvent, Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
method that returns an array to use in the Buffer.
ToArray - Interface in com.jamonapi.utils
Interface used to return info from a monitor.
toArray() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.ToArray
toList() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
toMonitorComposite() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
toString(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Turns a single method parameter into a string.
toString() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
toString() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns a string representation of this object: JAMon Key, firstname=steve, lastname=souza, age=44
toString() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
toString() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
should call getSummaryLabel
trim(String[]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc


UNITS - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
UNITS - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
units - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
UNITS - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
units - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
UNITS_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
used when a value isn't returned, and yet we don't want to throw an exception (hey it's just monitoring)
unregisterMbeans() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils
unRegister all jamon related mbeans
unregisterMbeans(MBeanServer) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils
unRegister all jamon related mbeans
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
useParametersInDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor


VERSION - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
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