- GcMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
MxBean that gives information about the most recent gc firing.
- GcMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Class that can listen to any jmx notifications.
- GcMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
- generalize(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.DefaultGeneralizer
Replaces numbers and quoted strings with '?'.
- generalize(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.Generalizer
- Generalizer - Interface in com.jamonapi.utils
This class interface will return a detail form in the getDetailLabel method which
is appropriate for logging.
- get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
- get(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
- get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
- get() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterFactory
- get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
- get(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
- get(String...) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.MonitorCompositeCombiner
Combine MonitorComposites returned by each of the instanceKeys into 1 MonitorComposite.
- get(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Get an instance of the named factory instance.
- get(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
- get(Map, Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.AppMap
- get1xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
- get1xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
- get1xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
- get2xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
- get2xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
- get2xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
- get3xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
- get3xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
- get3xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
- get4xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
- get4xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
- get4xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
- get5xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
- get5xx() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBean
- get5xx() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
- get_Count00_LessThan_0ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count00_LessThan_0ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count00_LessThan_0ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count01_0_10ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count01_0_10ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count01_0_10ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count02_10_20ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count02_10_20ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count02_10_20ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count03_20_40ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count03_20_40ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count03_20_40ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count04_40_80ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count04_40_80ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count04_40_80ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count05_80_160ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count05_80_160ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count05_80_160ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count06_160_320ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count06_160_320ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count06_160_320ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count07_320_640ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count07_320_640ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count07_320_640ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count08_640_1280ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count08_640_1280ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count08_640_1280ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count09_1280_2560ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count09_1280_2560ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count09_1280_2560ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count10_2560_5120ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count10_2560_5120ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count10_2560_5120ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count11_5120_10240ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count11_5120_10240ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count11_5120_10240ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count12_10240_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count12_10240_20480ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count12_10240_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count13_GreaterThan_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- get_Count13_GreaterThan_20480ms() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBean
- get_Count13_GreaterThan_20480ms() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getActive() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getActiveIndex() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
- getAsString(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
- getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getAvg() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getAvg() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getAvgActive() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getAvgActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
This returns a weighted average
- getAvgGlobalActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
for low numbers this can be negative
- getAvgPrimaryActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getBasicData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Get basic data (which excludes range data)
- getBasicHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Return the header that applies to all monitors.
- getBasicHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Puts the word 'Label' into the list.
- getBasicHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getBasicRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns the values assoicated with the key as a comma delimited entry in the list.
- getBasicRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getBufferList() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
get the underlying bufferList which can then be used to display its contents
- getBufferSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Get the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must
be removed.
- getClassName(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Returns an Objects ClassName minus the package name
- getCollection() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Get the underlying collection
- getCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Return the underlying Collection that holds the BufferList
- getCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
- getCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
- getComparator() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
- getComposite(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getComposite(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Pass in the units (or range type) and return all monitors of that
- getComposite(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the composite monitor (a collection of monitors) associated with the passed in units.
- getComposite(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the composite monitor associated with the passed unit.
- getConnection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- getConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- getCurrencyFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
- getCurrentMonitorComposite() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
- getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return all the listeners in the composite
- getData(JAMonListener) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
- getData(Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
Return an array with spaces for the values in header and values populated for monitor data - last value, active and last access
- getData(List, Monitor) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
Pass in list and add monitor data to the end of it
- getData() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Returns an array of all registered JAMonListeners in the format: key, JamonListener factory instance
- getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Return listeners for display purposes in menus for example
- getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Get all data including basic data as well as each element within the range
- getData() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns the data for basic data with no range info.
- getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
- getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
- getData() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.DetailData
- getData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.DetailDataWrapper
- getDateCreated() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getDateFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
- getDateIndex() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
- getDayOfWeek(Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Return the day of week from the passed in Date.
- getDayOfWeek() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the day of week for today.
- getDebug() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getDebug() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
- getDebug() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getDebugFactory() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Returns the factory for creating debug monitors.
- getDecimalGroupSeparator() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
- getDefaultHeaderInfo() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
- getDelta() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NumberDelta
- getDeltaObjectName(MonitorMXBean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
- getDemoLabels() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
- getDetailData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
- getDetailData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
- getDetailData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
- getDetailLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
- getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Create details for the invoked method.
- getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint, Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Create details for when an exception is thrown.
- getDetails(T) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
Normal details for standard monitor.
- getDetails(T, Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
Details for when an exception occurred in the method.
- getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
- getDetails(ProceedingJoinPoint, Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
- getDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
- getDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getDetails() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
- getDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
- getDirectoryName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
- getDisplayData() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Get display data including 1 column for each range
- getDisplayHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Return the header with basic data and one column for each range.
- getDisplayHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns each key in the map as a header element in the list
- getDisplayHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getDistinctUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getDuration() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBean
- getDuration() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Determin if http monitoring is enabled
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- getEnabled() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBean
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- getEnableLevelMonitoring() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Returns whether or not LevelMonitoring is enabled or not.
- getEnableListenerDetails() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Specifies whether or not LoggingEvent info will be used in the attached
- getEndValue() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.FrequencyDist
Get the end value of the FrequencyDist.
- getError() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getError() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
- getError() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getErrorIndicator() - Method in exception com.jamonapi.utils.AppBaseException
- getException() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
- getExceptionBufferSize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getExceptionBufferSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must
be removed.
- getExceptionCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionDeltaMXBeanImp
- getExceptionCount() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
Get the total count of exceptions thrown.
- getExceptionCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
- getExceptionDetail() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getExceptionDetail() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the exception buffer as an array, so it can be displayed
- getExceptionDetailHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getExceptionDetailHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the header that can be used to display the Exceptions buffer
- getExceptionLabel(Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Create a label out of the passed in exception.
- getExceptionLabel(Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
Get a jamon key that represents the excepton being thrown.
- getExceptionLabel(Throwable) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
- getExceptionLabel(Method) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
- getExceptionLabel(Method) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabelerInt
When an exception is thrown this returns what jamon label do you want to use
- getExceptionPrefix() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
- getExceptionTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Return Exception information as a row (1 dim array)
- getFactory() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the current Factory (could be the enabled or disabled factory depending on what is enabled)
- getFatal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getFatal() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
- getFatal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getFileContents(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
Read text files contents in as a String.
- getFileName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
- getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getFirstAccess() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getFirstAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getFloatingPointFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
- getFormattedDate(String, Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Formats the passed in date with the passed in date format String.
- getFormattedDateNow(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Formats todays date with the passed in date format String.
- getFrequencyDist(double) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Return a FrequencyDist associated with the passed in value.
- getFrequencyDists() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Return the array of all FrequencyDists in this range
- getGarbageCollectionMbeans(MBeanServer) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils
Get a list of the garbage collector mbeans.
- getGcInfo() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBean
- getGcInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
- getGeneralize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Return whether or not generalization will occur
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
- getHeader(JAMonListener) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
- getHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
Returns the header for display of JAMonListeners
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Return header info for display purposes
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jBufferListener
Returns the valid header for display of this buffer
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Return the header with basic data and columns for each field within the range.
- getHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
- getHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns each key in the map as a header element in the list
- getHeader(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Get the header that can be used to display the buffer.
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
- getHeader() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.DetailData
- getHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.DetailDataWrapper
- getHeaderInfo(String[]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
- getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getHits() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getHits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Determine if http params are ignored when creating a jamon label for request.getRequestURI(), and request.getRequestURL().
- getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- getIgnoreHttpParams() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- getInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- getInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getInfo() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
- getInfo() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getInfo() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- getInputStream(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
- getInstance() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
- getInstance() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
get this instance name.
- getInstance() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
- getInstance() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
- getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
- getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getInstanceName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
- getInstanceName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
- getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
- getInstances() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersister
- getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
- getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonDataPersister
- getInstances() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.LocalJamonFilePersister
Get instances by looking in directory for any saved files and also add local in memory instance
- getIntegerFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
- getInterfaces(Class) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getInterfaces(Class) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
For every class in the Object/Interface heirarchy find its implemented interfaces.
- getJamonDataPersister() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
- getJAMonDetailRow() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getJAMonDetailRow() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getJamonLabel(InvocationContext) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
Returns JAMon's label for the specified Invocation context.
- getJamonProperties() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterFactory
- getJamonProperties() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
Using logic documented in the class comments load jamon properties.
- getLabel(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Uses a jamon label as a method name.
- getLabel(T) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
jamon label to be used in key.
- getLabel(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
- getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: com.jamonapi.Exceptions
- getLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanProperty
example: com.jamonapi.Exceptions
- getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
example: com.jamonapi.Exceptions
- getLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Returns the label for the monitor
- getLabel() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
- getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
- getLabel() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Returns the label for the monitor
- getLabeler() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Get current labeler
- getLabelFactory() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getLabelFactory() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
- getLabelPrefix() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
- getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getLastAccess() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getLastAccess() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getLastValue() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getLastValue() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getLastValueIndex() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
- getListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the listener associated with the passed in name
- getListener(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the listener associated with the index
- getListener() - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Get underlying listener class
- getListener(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.ListenerType
Get a handle to the listener by name.
- getListenerName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: FIFOBuffer
- getListeners() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
- getListenerType() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: value, maxactive, ...
- getListenerType(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
pass in a valid listener type (min, max, value, maxactive) and get the ListenerType
- getLoggingEvent() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jMonKey
Return the log4j LoggingEvent object that is part of this key
- getLogicalOperator() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.Range
Get the logical operator associated with the top end point.
- getLoginTimeout() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- getLogWriter() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- getMajorVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
boolean acceptsURL(String url)
Retrieves whether the driver thinks that it can open a connection to the given URL.
- getMap() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getMap() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getMap() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
- getMap() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the backing map that holds the the Monitors.
- getMatches() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Returns an array of Strings that matched the Strings specified in
the matches arraylist.
- getMatchStrings() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getMatchStrings() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get a list of the strings to match in the parsed query.
- getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getMax() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getMax() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getMaxActive() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getMaxActive() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getMaxNumMonitors() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getMaxNumMonitors() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getMaxNumMonitors() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the maximum number of monitors that JAMon can store.
- getMaxNumMonitors() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the max number of configured of monitors.
- getMaxSqlSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getMaxSqlSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getMaxSqlSize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the size that sql statements can be before truncating them.
- getMaxSqlSize() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the size that sql statements can be before truncating them.
- getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getMin() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getMin() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getMinorVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
- getMon(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
- getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getMonitor(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getMonitor(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getMonitor() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
- getMonitor(String, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the monitor associated with the label, and units.
- getMonitor(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the monitor associated with the passed in key.
- getMonitor() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Returns a non-TimeMonitor that won't update the jamon factory.
- getMonitor(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the monitor associated with the passed in key.
- getMonitor(String, String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the monitor with the passed in label, and units.
- getMonitoredObject() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Return the underlying object being Monitored.
- getMonitoredObject(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Static method that returns the underlying/wrapped/monitored object if the passed object is an interfaced monitored by JAMon else
if not simply return the object unchanged.
- getMonitors() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getMonitors(String[][]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Pass in an array with col1=lables, and col2=units and then call methods
- getMonKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getMonKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getMonKeyMap() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Return the map underlying this Object
- getMonProxy(Proxy) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getMonProxy(Proxy) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Returns the MonProxy invocation handler should you need access to its methods like setLabeler(...) etc.
- getMonth(Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the month out of the passed in Date.
- getMonth() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Return the 2 digit month of todays date
- getMostRecentException() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
Get the stacktrace in string format of the most recently thrown exception.
- getMostRecentException() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
- getMxBeans() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
- getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the name of this instance
- getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
- getName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.JAMonListener
Gets the name of this listener
- getName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanProperty
Return logical name to be used instead of label, or empty string if it doesn't exist.
- getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
Return logical name to be used instead of label, or empty string if it doesn't exist.
- getName() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getName() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getNumCols() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo
- getNumListeners() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Return the number of listeners
- getNumMatches() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Returns the number of matches or 0 if there were none
- getNumRows() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getNumRows() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getNumRows() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getNumRows() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns the number of monitors in this factory.
- getNumRows() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the number of monitors in this factory
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionDeltaMXBeanImp
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusDeltaMXBeanImp
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.HttpStatusMXBeanImp
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getObjectName() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getObjectName(MonitorMXBean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
- getOrderedCollection() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Get the Collection in sorted order
- getOrderedCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
- getOrderedCollection() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
- getOutputStream(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
- getParam() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Used to get any arbitrary Object into the key.
- getParentLogger() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- getParentLogger() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
- getParsedSQL() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Return sql with original argument values replaced with '?'.
- getPercentFormatter() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
- getPropertiesDirectory() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
- getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Returns this drivers properties.
- getRange() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getRange() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getRangeHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getRangeHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getRangeHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the header for displaying what ranges are available.
- getRangeHeader() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return the header associated with range names
- getRangeKey() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
Uses this value to look up an associated Range
- getRangeKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns either the passed in range key, or it builds the key from the maps keys concatenated
- getRangeKey() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getRangeNames() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getRangeNames() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getRangeNames() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the ranges in this factory.
- getRangeNames() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return an array of range names.
- getRealDriverName(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Takes a url of the jamon format: jdbc:jamon:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase?jamonrealdriver=com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver&LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME=myhost
and returns: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver
- getRealURL(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
Takes a url of the jamon format: jdbc:jamon:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase?jamonrealdriver=com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver&LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME=myhost
and returns the real url associated with the underlying driver: jdbc:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase?LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME=myhost
- getReference() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- getReport() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
A basic report in html format.
- getReport(int, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
A basic report in html format that is sorted.
- getReport() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns an HTML report for basic data with no range info in the header.
- getReport(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
This returns an HTML report for basic data with no range info in the header for the past in units.
- getRootMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getRootMonitor() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
getComposite("AllMonitors") is the same as getRootMonitor()
- getRootMonitor() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the composite monitor of all monitors for this factory
- getRootMonitor() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the root composite monitor that contains all monitors in this factory
- getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
Also returns the number of listeners
- getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
- getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Return the rows in the BufferList
- getRowCount() - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferListDetailData
- getRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Add each value from the map at an element to the list.
- getRowData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getRowDisplayData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Add each value from the map at an element to the list.
- getRowDisplayData(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getRuntimeException(Exception) - Static method in exception com.jamonapi.utils.AppBaseException
- getShortDate(Date) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the short date for the passed in day.
- getShortDate() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Get the short date for Today.
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Get the max number of possible HttpMonitors.
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- getSize() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
Returns the size of the key in characters within the key.
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- getSize() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- getSQLBufferSize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getSQLBufferSize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the number of SQL statements that can be stored in the buffer before the
oldest entries must be removed.
- getSQLDetail() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getSQLDetail() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the sql buffer as an array, so it can be displayed
- getSQLDetailHeader() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- getSQLDetailHeader() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Get the header that can be used to display the SQL buffer
- getSQLToParse() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Get sql that was passed in to parse.
- getSQLType() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Return the first word from the sql command.
- getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getStdDev() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getStdDev() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
This is not a true standard deviation but a average weighted std deviation.
- getSummaryLabel(Method) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
- getSummaryLabel(Method) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabelerInt
Summary label that you want jamon to use
- getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Get the passed in summaryLabels.
- getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- getSummaryLabels() - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- getSummaryPrefix() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
- getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getTimeMonitor(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getTimeMonitor(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getTimeMonitor(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the time monitor associated with the label.
- getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Get the time monitor associated with the passed in key.
- getTimeMonitor(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the time monitor associated with the passed in label.
- getTimeMonitor(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get the time monitor associated with the passed in key.
- getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getTotal() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
- getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- getTotal() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- getTotal() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- getTotalKeySize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getTotalKeySize() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Returns the total of all keys in the monitor map.
- getTotalKeySize() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Returns the total key sizes which is the size of all String lables stored in JAMon.
- getTotalKeySize() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
- getTrace() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getTrace() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
- getTrace() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
example: Exception
- getUnits() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanProperty
example: Exception
- getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
example: Exception
- getUnits() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBean
- getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
- getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Returns the units for the monitor
- getUnits() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Returns the units for the monitor
- getURI(ServletRequest) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.Log4jMonKey
Returns any object that has a named key.
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Alternative method of getting the values in the 'get' methods like getHits(), getAvg() etc.
- getValue(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKey
return any value associated with the key.
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Returns any object that has a named key.
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Returns any object that has a named key.
- getVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- getVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- getVersion() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBean
- getVersion() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
- getVersion() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return the version of JAMon
- getVersion() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Get JAMon's version.
- getWarn() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jDeltaMXBeanImp
- getWarn() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBean
- getWarn() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.Log4jMXBeanImp
- getWhen() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBean
Get the date of the most recently thrown exception.
- getWhen() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.ExceptionMXBeanImp
- getWhen() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBean
- getWhen() - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.GcMXBeanImp
- JamonAopKeyHelper - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
Class that monitors helps create keys, details, arguments and exceptions for jamon aop.
- JamonAopKeyHelper() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
- JamonAopKeyHelper(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
- JamonAopKeyHelperInt<T> - Interface in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
This was intended to be more generic, but currently works with JoinPoints only.
- JamonAopKeyHelperSimple - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
Created by stevesouza on 6/8/14.
- JamonAopKeyHelperSimple() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
- JAMonAppender - Class in com.jamonapi.log4j
Implementaton of a log4j Appender that allows you to summarize log4j stats via jamon and view
the tail of the log in realtime in a jamon web page.
- JAMonAppender() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
- JAMonArrayBufferListener - Class in com.jamonapi
Listener that stores monitor information in a buffer (List)
- JAMonArrayBufferListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
Constructor that creates this object with its default name (the class
- JAMonArrayBufferListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
Pass in the jamonListener name
- JAMonArrayBufferListener(String, BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonArrayBufferListener
Name the listener and pass in the jamon BufferList to use
- JAMonArrayComparator - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
This class allows you to compare Object[] arrays by multiple columns.
- JAMonArrayComparator() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
- JAMonArrayComparator(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonArrayComparator
Sort/compare the passed in col number starting at 0 in natural (true) or reverse (false)
order based on the columns Compareable interface being called.
- JamonAspect - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
This class tracks the performance of classes and methods:
JAMon Label=void com.stevesouza.spring.MonitorMe3.anotherMethod2(), Units=ms.: (LastValue=0.0, Hits=10.0, Avg=0.3, Total=3.0, Min=0.0, Max=1.0, Active=0.0, Avg Active=1.0, Max Active=1.0, First Access=Tue Jun 03 21:11:21 CEST 2014, Last Access=Tue Jun 03 21:11:26 CEST 2014)
- JamonAspect() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
- JamonAspect(JamonAopKeyHelperInt) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
- JAMonBufferListener - Class in com.jamonapi
JAMonListener that puts jamon data into a buffer that allows you to display the last N configurable
detail events.
- JAMonBufferListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
- JAMonBufferListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
Pass in the jamonListener name
- JAMonBufferListener(String, BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
Name the listener and pass in the jamon BufferList to use
- JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo - Class in com.jamonapi
- JAMonComparator - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
- JAMonComparator() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
- JAMonComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
- JAMonComparator(boolean, Comparator) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.JAMonComparator
- JamonDataPersister - Interface in com.jamonapi.distributed
Interface that supports saving different jamon data sets.
- JamonDataPersisterDecorator - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Class that wraps another JamonDataPersister and tracks its performance and any exceptions it may throw.
- JamonDataPersisterDecorator() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterDecorator
- JamonDataPersisterFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Class that instanciates the JamonDataPersister class.
- JamonDataPersisterTimerTask - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Task that starts a thread that will call the JamonDataPersister put method on a timer.
- JamonDataPersisterTimerTask(JamonDataPersister) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterTimerTask
- JAMonDataSource - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
The datasource is incomplete.
- JAMonDataSource(DataSource) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- JAMonDataSource() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- JAMonDetailValue - Class in com.jamonapi
Class used to add the label, value and time invoked for the associated monitor.
- JAMonDetailValue(MonKey, double, double, long) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonDetailValue
- JAMonDriver - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
This class will be a proxy for the underlying jdbc driver.
- JAMonDriver() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
- JAMonEJBInterceptor - Class in com.jamonapi.aop
Class for monitoring EJB's via AOP.
- JAMonEJBInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.JAMonEJBInterceptor
Mimic the labels of the original implementation.
- JAMonFilter - Class in com.jamonapi
The following should be put in the Web Application's web.xml file to enable servlet monitoring.
- JAMonFilter() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter
- JAMonInterceptor - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.general
JAMon Interceptor for measuring method execution time, and tracking any exceptions the method calls:
can be used in EJB, or CDI in general.
- JAMonInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
- JAMonInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
- JAMonJettyHandler - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Handler that can be used to track request access in jetty.
- JAMonJettyHandler() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- JAMonJettyHandlerNew - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Handler that can be used to track request access in jetty.
- JAMonJettyHandlerNew() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- JamonJmxBeanProperty - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
Represents a value used to grab a jmx entries values from a jamon monitor.
- JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Value object that holds the label, units and logical name of a monitor.
- JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonJmxBeanPropertyDefault
- JAMonListener - Interface in com.jamonapi
Interface that can be implemented if you want to code something to listen for JAMon events
such as a new max/min/max active have occured, or even if the monitor has fired.
- JAMonListenerFactory - Class in com.jamonapi
Factory used to hold JAMonListeners.
- JAMonListenerFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JAMonListenerFactory
- JamonListenerProperty(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
- JamonMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that allows for basic management of jamon.
- JamonMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MXBean that allows you to manage jamon
- JamonMXBeanImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
- JamonPropertiesLoader - Class in com.jamonapi
Load jamon properties.
- JamonPropertiesLoader() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader
- JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty - Class in com.jamonapi
- JamonServletContextListener - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
A timer is executed when the web container starts up.
- JamonServletContextListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonServletContextListener
- JAMonServletFilter - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Note this servlet filter is more functional than com.jamonapi.JAMonFilter, but either can be used.
- JAMonServletFilter() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- JAMonTomcat55Valve - Class in com.jamontomcat
Note this is simply a copy of com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve.
- JAMonTomcat55Valve() - Constructor for class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- JAMonTomcat6Valve - Class in com.jamontomcat
- JAMonTomcat6Valve() - Constructor for class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat6Valve
- JAMonTomcatValve - Class in com.jamonapi.http
This valve works in tomcat 6 and jboss tomcat 5.5.
- JAMonTomcatValve() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- jdbcCompliant() - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDriver
- JettyHttpMonFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.http
Factory used in the JAMonJettyHandler.
- JettyHttpMonFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.http.JettyHttpMonFactory
- jmxProperties - Variable in class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- JmxUtils - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Class that creates and destroys jamon jmx monitors.
- JmxUtils() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.JmxUtils
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.TestClassPerformance
Test class for performance numbers of JAMon.
- makeValidFileName(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
Replace all invalid file characters with valid ones.
- Misc - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Difficult to group Utilities
- Misc() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
- mkdirs(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FileUtils
Create directory including any non existing parent directories in the the passed in path
- Mon - Class in com.jamonapi
Servlet that enables the ability to take advantage of jamon by passing arbitrary strings to this servlet which
subsequently calls start/stop/add on the MonitorFactory.
- Mon() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.Mon
- monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
Wrap jamon calls around the invoked method.
- Monitor - Class in com.jamonapi
Used to interact with monitor objects.
- monitor(Object) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(Object, Class[]) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(Object, Class) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(Connection) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(ResultSet) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(Statement) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(PreparedStatement) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(CallableStatement) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- monitor(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
By passing any interface to the monitor method, all public method calls and exceptions
will be monitored.
- monitor(Object, Class[]) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
By passing any interface to the monitor method, and an array of interfaces to implement then all public method calls and exceptions
will be monitored.
- monitor(Object, Class) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
By passing any interface to the monitor method, and an interface to implement then all public method calls and exceptions
will be monitored.
- monitor(Connection) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Note if a connection object is monitored any Statements, PreparedStatements, CallableStatements, and
optionally ResultSets that it creates will automatically be monitored.
- monitor(ResultSet) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a resultSets methods.
- monitor(Statement) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a Statements methods, as well as any ResultSets it returns (assuming the proper monitoring options are enabled)
- monitor(PreparedStatement) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a PreparedStatements methods, as well as any ResultSets it returns (assuming the proper monitoring options are enabled)
- monitor(CallableStatement) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Monitor a CallableStatements methods, as well as any ResultSets it returns (assuming the proper monitoring options are enabled)
- MONITOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
- monitorAnnotatedClass() - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions
The pointcut below will find all methods in all types marked with @MonitorAnnotation
- monitorAnnotatedMethod() - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions
The pointcut below will find all methods marked with @MonitorAnnotation
- MonitorAnnotation - Annotation Type in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
- MonitorComposite - Class in com.jamonapi
Treats groups of monitors the same way you treat one monitor.
- MonitorComposite(Monitor[]) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
Creates a new instance of MonitorComposite
- MonitorCompositeCombiner - Class in com.jamonapi.distributed
Combines multiple MonitorComposite objects into one by getting them from the @link JamonDataPersister.
- MonitorCompositeCombiner(JamonDataPersister) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.distributed.MonitorCompositeCombiner
- MonitorCompositeIterator - Class in com.jamonapi
Class that allows for iterating a collection that contains multiple instances of MonitorComposites and iterates
through them as if they were one MonitorComposite.
- MonitorCompositeIterator(Collection<MonitorComposite>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonitorCompositeIterator
- MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
In addition to tracking the normal jamon aggregates this also displays counts for the time ranges for ms.
- MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMsMXBeanImp
- MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Calculate the delta since the last time the methods were called for a given jamon monitor key.
- MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorDeltaMXBeanImp
- MonitorFactory - Class in com.jamonapi
Static MonitorFactory that is good to use in most cases.
- MonitorFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
- MonitorFactoryInterface - Interface in com.jamonapi
Interface used to create Monitors.
- MonitorMsMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
Interface that tracks range counts for 'ms.' based jamon monitors
- MonitorMsMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
MxBean used for ms.
- MonitorMsMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- MonitorMsMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- MonitorMsMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMsMXBeanImp
- MonitorMXBean - Interface in com.jamonapi.jmx
Interface for configurable jamon jmx beans.
- MonitorMXBeanFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Factory for creating configurable jamon jmx mbeans.
- MonitorMXBeanFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanFactory
- MonitorMXBeanImp - Class in com.jamonapi.jmx
Base class for jamon configurable mbeans.
- MonitorMXBeanImp(List<JamonJmxBeanProperty>) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- MonitorMXBeanImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- MonitorMXBeanImp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.jmx.MonitorMXBeanImp
- MonKey - Interface in com.jamonapi
Key that allows for a monitor to be passed any number of keys used in the equivalent
of a group by clause.
- MonKeyBase - Class in com.jamonapi
Class that can be used as a composite key for MonitorFactor.add(compositeKey, 100) method calls
Note the passed in LinkedHashMap is used as a key to another Map that looks up the associated monitor.
- MonKeyBase(LinkedHashMap) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
Calls the other constructor.
- MonKeyBase(String, LinkedHashMap) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
The LinkHashMap will contain key value pairs.
- MonKeyImp - Class in com.jamonapi
A key implmentation for label, and units type monitors.
- MonKeyImp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- MonKeyImp(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Object details can be an Object[], a Collection, or a Java Object.
- MonKeyImp(MonKeyItem, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- MonKeyItem - Interface in com.jamonapi
Used for MonKey to allow jamon to have the generalized form of the key for aggregation, and the
more specific form for writing out details say to a buffer.
- MonKeyItemBase - Class in com.jamonapi
Used in MonKeys.
- MonKeyItemBase(Object) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
- MonKeyItemBase(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
- MonProxy - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
By using this proxy class ANY java interface can be monitored for performance and exceptions via JAMon.
- MonProxyFactory - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
This static MonProxyFactory simply uses an instance of MonProxyFactoryImp to do its work.
- MonProxyFactory() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- MonProxyFactoryImp - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
MonProxyFactory allows developers to monitor ANY interface by simply passing the Object implementing
the interface to the monitor method.
- MonProxyFactoryImp() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
- MonProxyLabeler - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
Standard implementation of creating the jamon label for the MonProxy class.
- MonProxyLabeler() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
- MonProxyLabeler(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyLabeler
- MonProxyLabelerInt - Interface in com.jamonapi.proxy
This method is called by MonProxy to determine the jamon summary label for each method invoked.
- schedule(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.JamonDataPersisterTimerTask
Start thread that will save jamon data (MonitorComposite).
- SerializationUtils - Class in com.jamonapi.utils
Class that can serialize and deserialize objects.
- SerializationUtils() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
- serialize(Serializable, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
note object should be serializable
- serializeToFile(Serializable, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.SerializationUtils
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
- setAccessStats(long) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setActivityTracking(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
FROM frequencydistimp
- setActivityTracking(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setBufferHolder(BufferHolder) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
- setBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.BufferList
Set the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must
be removed.
- setCollection(List) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
- setCollection(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
- setCollection(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
- setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class com.jamonapi.NExtremeArrayBufferHolder
Note the only valid Comparator to be passed is JAMonArrayComparator
- setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
- setDateCreated(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Enable or disable the debug factory.
- setDetails(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
- setDetails(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- setDetails(Object) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
- setDetails(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Enable/disable http monitoring
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBean
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.jmx.JamonMXBeanImp
- setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Enable/Disable MonitorFactory.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- setEnableDefaultGeneralizer(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Enable the use of the DefaultGeneralizer.
- setEnableLevelMonitoring(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Specifies whether or not there will be a JAMon record for each log4j
Level (DEBUG/WARN/...), and another one that corresponds to all calls to
log4j logging methods.
- setEnableListenerDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Specify whether or not LoggingEvent info will be used in the attached
- setEnableListeners(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Note this is primarily used by the log4j configurator.
- setException(Throwable) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
- setExceptionBufferListener(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
If true is passed in then a buffer will contain the most recent stack traces.
- setExceptionBufferSize(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- setExceptionBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Set the number of Exceptions that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must
be removed.
- setFirstAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setFirstAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setGeneralize(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Indicate whether or not a jamon record should be created from the passed in message.
- setGeneralizerClass(Generalizer) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Default generalizer based on com.jamonapi.utils.SQLDeArger.
- setGeneralizerDynamic(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
Pass in a string class name and this generalizer will be constructed an used.
- setHits(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setHits(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Set if http params are ignored when creating a jamon label for request.getRequestURI(), and request.getRequestURL().
- setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- setIgnoreHttpParams(boolean) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyBase
- setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
- setInstanceName(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonKeyItem
Now that jamon can track data on multiple vm's we need a way to better identify the keys.
- setInstanceName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyItemBase
- setKeyHelper(JamonAopKeyHelperInt) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
- setKeyToString(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonDetailValue
- setLabeler(MonProxyLabelerInt) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxy
Set labeler to be called when summary stats are recorded for a method call or when the interface throws an exception
- setLabelFactory(MonProxyLabelerInt) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- setLabelFactory(MonProxyLabelerInt) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
This class will be called when creating the jamon labels for both standard summary as well as
- setLastAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setLastAccess(Date) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setLastValue(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setLastValue(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setListenerBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
For defaultBufferSize to take hold it must be called before the first
call to setDefaultListeners.
- setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.LocaleContext
Sets the locale to apply for formatting.
- setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.JAMonDataSource
- setMap(Map) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- setMap(Map) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
allows for using a faster/open source map.
- setMap(Map) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Use the specified map to hold the monitors.
- setMap(Map) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Set the map that holds the monitors.
- setMatchStrings(List) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- setMatchStrings(List) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Set the strings to match
- setMax(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setMax(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setMaxActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setMaxActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Set the maximum number of monitors that JAMon can store.
- setMaxNumMonitors(int) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Set the max number of monitors that can be tracked.
- setMaxSqlSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- setMaxSqlSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- setMaxSqlSize(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Set the maximum size for a sql statement.
- setMaxSqlSize(int) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Set the maximum size for a sql statement.
- setMin(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setMin(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.CompositeListener
sets the name of this monitor instance
- setName(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JAMonBufferListener
- setName(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.JAMonListener
Set the name of the listener
- setParam(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonKeyImp
Used to set any arbitrary Object into the key.
- setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
Note if a null is passed in it will have the same effect as an empty
RangeHolder (i.e.
- setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Associate a range with a key/unit.
- setRangeDefault(String, RangeHolder) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Associate a Range mapping to any monitor that has a unit/key name that matches what is passed to key
- setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Set the max number of possible HttpMonitors.
- setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- setSize(int) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- setSQLBufferSize(int) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactory
- setSQLBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.jamonapi.proxy.MonProxyFactoryImp
Set the number of SQL Statements that can be stored in the buffer before the oldest entries must
be removed.
- setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Pass a series of things (HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse methods) to monitor.
- setSummaryLabels(String, String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
if passed summaryLabel has 'default' in it replace it with defaultString and then
call this classes setSummaryLabels method.
- setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandler
- setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonJettyHandlerNew
- setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonServletFilter
- setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.JAMonTomcatValve
- setSummaryLabels(String) - Method in class com.jamontomcat.JAMonTomcat55Valve
- setTotal(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- setTotal(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setTotalActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
Neeed to reset this to 0.0 to remove avg active numbers
- setTotalActive(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- setUnits(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.log4j.JAMonAppender
- setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Track arguments for all exceptions thrown.
- setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
If true then the method argument details will be appended to the details when an exception is thrown only.
- setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
This method is a noop
- setUseArgsWithExceptionDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
Specifies to have the methods arguments viewable in the jamon monitor details.
- setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelper
Track arguments for all methods monitored.
- setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperInt
If true then the method argument details will be appended to the details whenever the monitored
method is called.
- setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAopKeyHelperSimple
This method is a noop
- setUseArgsWithMethodDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.JamonAspect
Specifies to have the methods arguments viewable in the jamon monitor details.
- setUseParametersInDetails(boolean) - Method in class com.jamonapi.aop.general.JAMonInterceptor
- setValue(double) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NumberDelta
- SharedJAMonBufferListener - Class in com.jamonapi
Class that works like JAMonBufferListeners but allows users to share buffers
between monitors with the jamon gui...
- SharedJAMonBufferListener() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.SharedJAMonBufferListener
- SharedJAMonBufferListener(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.SharedJAMonBufferListener
Pass in the jamonListener name
- SharedJAMonBufferListener(String, BufferList) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.SharedJAMonBufferListener
Name the listener and pass in the jamon BufferList to use
- shouldReplaceWith(Object) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.utils.BufferHolder
Returns true if this object is greater than the smallest value in the buffer
- shouldReplaceWith(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.FIFOBufferHolder
- shouldReplaceWith(Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.utils.NExtremeBufferHolder
- shutDownHazelCast() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersister
- shutDownHazelCast() - Method in class com.jamonapi.distributed.HazelcastPersisterImp
- skip() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
decrement counters but don't add aggregate stats to monitor.
- sort(Object[][], int, String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.utils.Misc
Sort a 2 dimensional array based on 1 columns data in either ascending or descending order.
- split(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.JamonPropertiesLoader.JamonListenerProperty
- SQLDeArger - Class in com.jamonapi.proxy
SQLDeArger takes a sql statement and 1) replaces argument values ('souza', "souza", 'souza''s', 100, 100.5, 0xff, 10e9) with question marks
It makes full sql statements look more like a prepared statement.
- SQLDeArger(String) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Accepts string to parse
- SQLDeArger(String, List) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
Accepts strings to parse and a List of strings to check to see if they are in the sql statement.
- SQLDeArger(String, List, int) - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.proxy.SQLDeArger
This constructor will truncate any sql statements longer than sqlMaxSize before the JAMon label is created
- start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicNanoTimingMonitor
- start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicTimingMonitor
- start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- start(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- start(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- start(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- start(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- start() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
- start(Object, Object) - Method in class com.jamonapi.http.HttpMonFactory
Method called to start monitoring a request.
- start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- start() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- start(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return a timing monitor with units in milliseconds.
- start() - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return a timing monitor with units in milliseconds, that is not aggregated into the jamon stats.
- start(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Start using the passed in key.
- start(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Return a time monitor (the units are implied and are ms.
- start(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Start using the passed in key.
- start() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Returns a TimeMonitor that won't update the jamon factory.
- startNano(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- startNano(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- startNano(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- startNano(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- startNano(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
start nanosecond timer
- startNano(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Provide your own key to a nanosecond timer
- startNano(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Create a timing monitor that uses nanosecond granularity (1,000,000 ns.=1 ms.)
- startNano(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Provide your own key to a nanosecond timer
- startPrimary(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- startPrimary(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryDisabled
- startPrimary(MonKey) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- startPrimary(String) - Method in class com.jamonapi.FactoryEnabled
- startPrimary(String) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Return a timing monitor with units in milliseconds, that is not aggregated into the jamon stats.
- startPrimary(MonKey) - Static method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory
Start a monitor with the specified key and mark it as primary
- startPrimary(String) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Start a time monitor and mark it as primary
- startPrimary(MonKey) - Method in interface com.jamonapi.MonitorFactoryInterface
Start a monitor with the specified key and mark it as primary
- stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicNanoTimingMonitor
- stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.BasicTimingMonitor
- stop() - Method in interface com.jamonapi.http.HttpMon
- stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.Monitor
- stop() - Method in class com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite
- SystemAopPointcutDefinitions - Class in com.jamonapi.aop.spring
It is good to have a class that has common aop pointcuts for your application.
- SystemAopPointcutDefinitions() - Constructor for class com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions