See: Description
Interface | Description |
CopyJAMonListener |
A listener implements this interface if it also can act as a factory.
FrequencyDist |
FrequencyDist's are what Ranges are made of.
JAMonListener |
Interface that can be implemented if you want to code something to listen for JAMon events
such as a new max/min/max active have occured, or even if the monitor has fired.
MonitorFactoryInterface |
Interface used to create Monitors.
MonKey |
Key that allows for a monitor to be passed any number of keys used in the equivalent
of a group by clause.
MonKeyItem |
Used for MonKey to allow jamon to have the generalized form of the key for aggregation, and the
more specific form for writing out details say to a buffer.
Range |
Class that contains buckets of time that are tracked within a monitor.
Class | Description |
BasicNanoTimingMonitor |
The most basic of timing Monitors using nanosecond timing.
BasicTimingMonitor |
The most basic of timing Monitors.
CompositeListener |
A class that can contain other listeners that can listen to jamon events of interest.
FactoryDisabled |
Factory that returns null monitors when JAMon is disabled.
FactoryEnabled |
Factory that creates Monitors.
JAMonArrayBufferListener |
Listener that stores monitor information in a buffer (List)
JAMonBufferListener |
JAMonListener that puts jamon data into a buffer that allows you to display the last N configurable
detail events.
JAMonBufferListener.HeaderInfo | |
JAMonDetailValue |
Class used to add the label, value and time invoked for the associated monitor.
JAMonFilter |
The following should be put in the Web Application's web.xml file to enable servlet monitoring.
JAMonListenerFactory |
Factory used to hold JAMonListeners.
JamonPropertiesLoader |
Load jamon properties.
ListenerType |
Object that contains a listener type such as value, max, min or maxactive.
Mon |
Servlet that enables the ability to take advantage of jamon by passing arbitrary strings to this servlet which
subsequently calls start/stop/add on the MonitorFactory.
Monitor |
Used to interact with monitor objects.
MonitorComposite |
Treats groups of monitors the same way you treat one monitor.
MonitorCompositeIterator |
Class that allows for iterating a collection that contains multiple instances of MonitorComposites and iterates
through them as if they were one MonitorComposite.
MonitorFactory |
Static MonitorFactory that is good to use in most cases.
MonKeyBase |
Class that can be used as a composite key for MonitorFactor.add(compositeKey, 100) method calls
Note the passed in LinkedHashMap is used as a key to another Map that looks up the associated monitor.
MonKeyImp |
A key implmentation for label, and units type monitors.
MonKeyItemBase |
Used in MonKeys.
NExtremeArrayBufferHolder |
Buffer used to keep the last N recent array values based on the comparator.
NullMonitor |
Do nothing monitor i.e.
RangeHolder |
Class that allows users to create ranges with the associated FrequencyDists/Buckets.
SharedJAMonBufferListener |
Class that works like JAMonBufferListeners but allows users to share buffers
between monitors with the jamon gui...
TestClassPerformance |
Class used to test performance of JAMon.
For further information on JAMon go to
Steve Souza - JAMon
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