Interface | Description |
MonProxyLabelerInt |
This method is called by MonProxy to determine the jamon summary label for each method invoked.
Class | Description |
JAMonDataSource |
The datasource is incomplete.
JAMonDriver |
This class will be a proxy for the underlying jdbc driver.
MonProxy |
By using this proxy class ANY java interface can be monitored for performance and exceptions via JAMon.
MonProxyFactory |
This static MonProxyFactory simply uses an instance of MonProxyFactoryImp to do its work.
MonProxyFactoryImp |
MonProxyFactory allows developers to monitor ANY interface by simply passing the Object implementing
the interface to the monitor method.
MonProxyLabeler |
Standard implementation of creating the jamon label for the MonProxy class.
SQLDeArger |
SQLDeArger takes a sql statement and 1) replaces argument values ('souza', "souza", 'souza''s', 100, 100.5, 0xff, 10e9) with question marks
It makes full sql statements look more like a prepared statement.
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